Symptoms Of Cervical Degenerative Disease to Look Out For


Cervical disc disease is a common condition that develops after years of strains and stresses on your neck, affecting the discs between your spine. The symptoms of the cervical degenerative disease vary from one person to another. With aging, the vertebrae discs lose some water content and flexibility, making them dry and stiff. Fortunately, if you suspect or have been diagnosed with cervical disc disease Roswell, there are innovative and minimally invasive procedures effective in treating the condition. Early diagnosis and treatment are key to managing it well and enhancing your life quality. So, how do you know you might have this condition? Here is a look at the common symptoms of cervical degenerative disease to look out for.

Neck Pain

One of the common symptoms of cervical degenerative disease is neck pain and stiffness in your neck. It comes in the form of low-grade pain and a stiff neck. However, the pain can sometimes increase and become severe, lasting several hours or even days. You will find it difficult to move your neck and sometimes experience pain. Regardless of whether the neck pain is caused by poor posture, injury, or an underlying medical problem, neck pain should be treated by a professional health provider to avoid extra damage.

Nerve Pain and Radiculopathy

Another trouble begins when the changes in your discs start to pressure your spinal canal nerves. This pain comes as an electric shock-like or sharp pain that radiates down the shoulder into your hand, arm, and fingers. Normally, you will experience nerve pain on one side of your body. Pain from pressure on your spinal nerve root is known as radiculopathy.

Pain Becomes Worse with Movement

Another sign that you could suffer from the cervical degenerative disease is pain that worsens with movement. Pain that results from a degenerative disc tends to increase with movement and calms down with rest. This often worsens during sports or other activities, sudden head movements, or some head positions.

Cervical Myelopathy

As your cervical spine degenerates more, your spinal canal will likely become narrower, which puts your spinal cord at risk. If your spinal cord becomes compressed, it could result in myelopathy. Cervical myelopathy comes with symptoms such as loss of bladder and/or bowel control, difficulty moving legs or arms, numbness or weakness beneath the neck, and shock-like pains through the legs or arms that worsen when you bend forward. Cervical myelopathy is a cause of alarm and needs immediate medical attention. It normally happens in individuals over 50 years of age.

Ultimately, these are some of the common symptoms of cervical degenerative disease. Depending on your symptoms, your doctor might recommend several treatments. The common treatment involves reducing inflammation through anti-inflammatory medications and physical therapy. Other treatments, such as nerve blocks and epidural steroid injections, may be necessary for other patients. However, if you are still not getting any improvements in your neck condition symptoms, your doctor might recommend surgery to eliminate the symptoms. If you are experiencing symptoms of cervical disc disease, consult a doctor to discuss your treatment options.

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