Five Undeniable Facts About Minimally Invasive Surgery For Colorectal Disorders


There are complex colorectal disorders that require advanced treatment options like surgery. However, not all surgical options are safe since some carry many complications. But the good news is that minimally invasive surgery The Woodlands are safe techniques that can stabilize your condition for good.

After examining your condition, your colorectal surgeon can determine whether you require laparoscopic or robotic surgery. Nonetheless, many misconceptions have been speculated about colorectal surgery. Here are five undeniable facts about minimally invasive surgery for colorectal disorders to satisfy your doubts.

1. It uses smaller incisions

When you hear of a surgical procedure, you probably think of open surgery. However, making large incisions when treating colorectal disorders is a thing of the past. Many colorectal surgeons now perform surgery using minimally invasive techniques.

Incisions for minimally invasive surgery are as tiny as your fingertip. During some surgical procedures, your surgeon can use your body’s natural openings. Surgeries for rectal or abdominal disorders can now be done without fear of large incisions.

2. There’s usually less blood loss

Unlike open surgery, minimally invasive surgery significantly reduces your risk of losing much blood. Usually, this is contributed by the smaller incisions. Conventional surgical approaches, on the other hand, increase your risk of blood loss, possibly requiring blood transfusion.

Both robotic and laparoscopic surgeries minimize blood loss whenever possible. Typically, a tiny camera shows inside your body and thus allows your surgeon to make an informed decision. Although it’s normal to be uncomfortable before a surgical procedure, knowing that there’s a lower risk of blood loss can help you feel secure.

3. Your recovery is quicker

Because of the smaller incisions used during laparoscopic and robotic surgeries, your recovery is quicker. Traditional surgical procedures require making a large opening that takes a long time to heal. But nowadays, colorectal surgeons use a video-equipped robot that gives them a better view of the operating area.

Minimally invasive surgery means less tissue damage in the operated area. Ultimately, you will experience less pain and have an easier time during your recovery period. This means you can hit the ground running sooner.

4. Minimally invasive surgery has a lower risk of infections

Minimally invasive surgery involves precise techniques and tiny incisions, lessening the risk of complications. Surgical wounds from a traditional open surgery take longer before they heal and are susceptible to infections. Procedures like robotic surgery focus on preventing any arising complications, including infections.

For instance, the colorectal surgeon can use your body’s anal opening when treating conditions like rectal polyps. This will eliminate the need to make incisions, thus preventing bleeding or infections. In most cases, your risk of post-surgery complications is greatly decreased with minimally invasive surgery.

5. It significantly alleviates your condition

Colorectal disorders like colon cancer, rectal prolapse, and inflammatory bowel syndrome can affect your life quality. Moreover, it’s heartbreaking to try other treatment options without relief. But if you haven’t had any complex abdominal surgery recently, you can benefit from minimally invasive surgery.

This surgical procedure provides pain relief quickly. Furthermore, it addresses your condition from the source, meaning you will enjoy long-term relief. If you’ve dealt with chronic pain and other debilitating symptoms, be prepared to experience significant improvements.

Your desire to overcome colorectal disorders and return to your feet is possible. Minimally invasive surgery is one of the ways you can make that happen. In addition, minimally invasive surgery provides quick improvements with less downtime.

You don’t have to live trying other treatments that don’t provide relief. Minimally invasive surgery is your ultimate solution for your colorectal disorders. Book your treatment session today!

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