Essential Tips for Maintaining the Dental Implants


Permanent teeth loss is one of the distressing experiences. With missing teeth, you will experience difficulties chewing, which hinders you from enjoying your favorite meals. Losing your tooth, especially the front teeth, will also impair your perfect smile, thus making you feel self-conscious in front of the camera. Thanks to modern dentistry, you can get dental implants to restore your dental functionality and improve your confidence. To continue reaping maximum benefits, care for the newly implanted teeth is good. Here are essential tips Dr. Phillip Chien recommends for dental implants.

Brush Regularly

After getting the implants, you may think brushing your teeth more often is unnecessary since the implants are immune to cavities. However, this is a bad idea and can compromise your oral health. For example, the build-up of food debris in your teeth can cause gum inflammation near the implants.

You should therefore brush your teeth after every meal to alleviate those food particles. Switch to the soft-bristled toothbrush since the hard-bristle toothbrush can scratch the surface of implants, thus hindering their brilliant appearance.

Be Mindful of What You Eat

Certain food can impede the dental implants’ effectiveness in serving the intended purpose. For example, hard meals like candies can break your implants, thus reducing their longevity. Hot food products can also distort the shape of the implant, thus impairing the enhanced smile. Limit such foods following the implant treatments.

Floss Daily

In most cases, brushing does not alleviate all the food debris, especially from the teeth crevices. On top of brushing, you should floss your teeth at least once daily. Choosing the right flossing device is necessary to maintain the wellness of your implants. Use unwaxed tape or water floss to avoid damaging dental implants.

Stop Smoking

Smoking has many detrimental effects on your oral health. For example, cigarette components expose your teeth to discolorations that hinder your smile. Worst, smoking can reduce the blood flow to the jaw bone, which interferes with the capacity of the implants and jaw bone to fuse. Therefore, if you are a smoker, you should consider quitting this habit for a smooth recovery after your implant surgery.

Use the Mouthguards

Do you grind your teeth, especially at night? You could suffer from bruxism. Over time, teeth clenching can exert more pressure on the implants leading to their damage. Therefore, you should get customized mouthguards to protect your dental implants and teeth when you sleep.

Visit Your Dentist Frequently

Regular appointments with your dentist are crucial when maintaining your oral health. The bi-annual dental visit will help you avoid plaque build-up in your mouth through deep cleanings. In addition, through these visits, the dentist will check your dental implants and ensure they are in good condition.

Dental implants offer an effective remedy for individuals missing some teeth. This way, they improve individuals’ confidence and also restore chewing capacities. After getting the implants, embracing the care tips to boost their longevity is good. For example, you should avoid hard foods that could break these devices. Wearing mouthguards when you sleep is also necessary to keep your implant in good shape, especially if you have bruxism. Importantly, it would help if you visited your dentist at least twice yearly for checkups and cleanings.

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